Practice Right Away Using Printable Sheet Music
Call it Frankenstein Limited or Cat Whiskers Publishing House, inc., printable sheet music can bring the power of publishing any type of sheet music into the comfort of your own home. Totally free sheet music is generally in public domain which means you can freely use it without charge or permission in your piano lessons and concerts. Quality music is generally copyright-protected by international laws if it was published within the last 65 years. Fly-by-night companies and websites, offer this music for free until lawyers come around to shut them down.
Next to free audio music files, downloading free printable sheet music is another very popular pastime for musicians on the Internet and anyone who wants to learn piano. The biggest problem is finding the music that you want, for the instrument that you play, AND have it be legal. You probably won’t find the latest and greatest pop music in sheet music form for you to download for free, but if you know where to look and what to look for, you can still find some fairly good sources for legal, free sheet music.
The plot thickens…
I have yet to find any colleague, or musician who hasn’t yet taken advantage of printable sheet music downloaded from the internet needed for piano instruction. Anyone can now benefit from the wide selection of piano music out there that the world wide web offers. There is music that you can use for purposes such as accompanying, transcribing and even to help you with making cool new jazz riffs. Websites usually sort their music according to genre making it easier to find what you are looking for.
Take Steve. He lost his sheet music on the way home from school but needs it for his piano recital tomorrow? All the music stores are already closed. What can he do? Or take George, who badly wants to impress his new girlfriend with a spectacular John Coltrane jazz riff? Where can he get it to start practicing immediately? The answer is simple: Just download printable sheet music and play your hearts out.
These days its so easy to get tons of free printable piano music on the internet. A lot of the ‘free’ music out there is not legal although so many warez-type sites are offering free downloads in enormous quantities. Ya, that Disney piano music sheet you just downloaded for ‘free’ was not legal. Most popular music is still copyrighted so don’t expect it to be free on legal sites, although there are still ways to get around this and find it for free – read our section on free piano sheet music and notation software for more info.
Stop those pigs!
Many sites spam themselves with keywords related to free printable sheet music and offer horrible versions or editions of piano music although it is free. A huge majority of sites offering free music downloads are either illegal, have extremely low quality editions, put viruses onto your computer or are simply impossible to navigate. Those musicians who have quality music to offer don’t spam their sites with keywords and find it more difficult to showcase their music as a result. Our site does our best to give these budding young composers a chance.
Remember, I’m a musician, not a lawyer! Anything written on this site is not meant to constitute legal advice. So…
If you have bad teeth, consult a dentist. If your shower is leaking, talk to your local plumber and make arrangements.
And, if you need any legal advice about downloading music, please consult a lawyer.
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