Schumann Robert Piano Music

On this page you can find quality information about Schumann, Robert piano music including printable sheet music, free mp3s, and other useful info.


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Schumann’s piano music reflected his own manic/depressive personality. He even invented two contrasting characters as alter-egos of his personality: the calm Eusebius and the fiery Florestan. His orchestral works are just as important as his piano works, although he was an impressive pianist in his time. His music reflects the heights of the romantic era, fully expressive, literal portrayals of nature and pushing the bounds of dynamic possibilities. Very often his score will say things like: Louder, Even Louder, Louder Still, As Loud as Possible!

sample Schumann, Robert album cover

Leonard Bernstein was full of surprises. A conductor often accused of hopeless self-indulgence, he responded intuitively to the classical aesthetic of Haydn, and no less to the early Romantic bravado of Schumann. In fact, these symphonies have never been better played or conducted than they are here. These are performances of high passion–they’re either very fast or very slow–and extraordinary color and drama. Bernstein sticks faithfully to the composer’s original, thick orchestrations.

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There are TWO simple ways to download sheet music:

1. You can instantly download printable sheet music for this composition using the link below.

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2. You can create your own sheet music for FREE using special notation software.

For High-Quality sheet music delivered to your home, you can order a copy of piano music by Schumann, Robert from Sheet Music Plus.

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You can listen to mp3 downloads of this composer right away using the link below.

Schumann, Robert Mp3

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Our Rating: 4 / 5


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