Waltzes (3) op 64 Chopin

A page dedicated to teaching you how to find detailed information about Waltzes (3) op.64 Chopin piano music including free printable sheet music, piano tabs, mp3s, how to learn the piano part and more fun stuff.


how to practice

sheet music

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Number two of this set of Chopin waltzes is one of his most popular. Nearly every intermediate piano student has covered it and argued with his teacher as to how it should sound! The fast middle section with cycles of eighth notes can be played in so many different ways, it is quite incredible. For the most imaginative versions, listen to really old recordings like those from the 20s by Sergei Rachmaninoff or Hoffman. For more stable (even square) versions, try Arthur Rubinstein (or those by modern pianists).

sample album covers containing this piano piece

Rating: (out of 8 reviews)

You just can’t listen to this music without feeling good. These waltzes–aside from containing some of the most famous tunes ever written for the piano–are so lovely, so toe-tappingly appealing, so perennially fresh sounding (even the Minute Waltz) that you won’t believe they’re more than 150 years old. They sound like they were composed yesterday. A lot of the credit for this belongs to Rubinstein, who plays them with such grace and naturalness that you’re hardly even conscious of a human bein

Rating: (out of 3 reviews)


how to practice

Remember that a waltz follows a distorted rhythmic pattern, so don’t ever practice it with a metronome unless you want a robotic, unrecognizable version of the dance. Chopin Waltz piano notes require a very strong left hand which jumps quite a bit between bass and accompaniment.

Start with practicing only the left hand individual bass notes slowly and after that gradually integrate the right hand’s melodic notes. Bear in mind that great music like this is basically a big problem comprised of smaller problems which are more digestible. As soon as the left hand has learned its part effortlessly then begin studying training the RH melody alone little by little.

For instance, practice the bass area first while using the left hand. Have fun playing (and singing out) the melody as slow as you can initially plus include some sort of chord with almost every primary beat making use of any existing fingers which are free.


free sheet music

1. You can instantly download printable sheet music for this composition using the link below.

Free Waltzes (3) op.64 Chopin sheet music


2. You can create your own sheet music using special notation software.


free mp3 download

You can download the mp3 version of this piece right away using the link below.

Waltzes (3) op.64 Chopin Mp3

Or, read our special tips page on how to download free piano mp3s.


Our Rating: 5 / 5



Click here to download the midi file for this classical piano piece

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