Angels We Have Heard On High

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” Angels We Have Heard on High ” is a Christmas carol in the public domain. The song commemorates the story of the birth of Jesus Christ found in the Gospel of Luke, in which shepherds outside Bethlehem encounter a multitude of angels singing and praising the newborn child.Contents;1 Translations;2 Tunes;3 Lyrics;3.1 English;3.2 French;3.3 Scottish Gaelic;3.4 Portuguese;3.5 German;3.6 Spanish;3.7 Mandarin Chinese;4 See also;5 References;6 External links;Translations The words of the song are based on a traditional French carol known as Les Anges dans nos campagnes (literally, “Angels in our countryside”) composed by an unknown author in Languedoc, France. That song has received many adjustments or alignments including its most common English version that was translated in 1862 by James Chadwick, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, northeast England. The carol quickly became popular in the West Country, where it was described as ‘Cornish’ by R.R. Chope, and featured in Pickard-Cambridge ‘s Collection of Dorset Carols.There is also a Scottish Gaelic (Gaidhlig) translation of the carol which is known as Ainglean chuala sinn gu h-ard (literally, “Angels We Have Heard on High”). This was translated into Gaelic by Iain MacMilan from James Chadwick’s English translation.Tunes Angels We Have Heard on High” is most commonly sung to the hymn tune “Gloria”, as arranged by Edward Shippen Barnes. Its most memorable feature is its chorus;Gloria in Excelsis Deo! (Latin for “Glory to God in the highest”);Where the sung vowel sound “o” of “Gloria” is fluidly sustained through a lengthy rising and falling melismatic melodic sequence;Glo-o-o-o-o-o-O-o-o-o-o-o-O-o-o-o-o-o-O-ri-a in Ex-cel-sis De-o!; Gloria in Excelsis Deo ” is the first line of the song of the angels in the Gospel according to Luke.The phrase also appears melismatically in the Latin version of the carol ” O Come All Ye Faithful “, though somewhat less extended;Glo-o-o-O-ri-a in Ex-cel-sis De-o.In England, the words of James Montgomery’s ” Angels from the Realms of Glory ” are sung to this tune, except with the ” Gloria in excelsis Deo ” refrain. It is from this usage that the tune sometimes is known as Iris, the name of Montgomery’s newspaper.In the English version of “O Come All Ye Faithful”, that phrase is poetically translated as Glo-ry to Go-od, Glo-ry in the High-est, (or, “Glo-ry to Go-od, In– the– High-est”), reducing the melisma to no more than two notes per word.Lyrics English Angels we have heard on high;Sweetly singing o_er the plains;And the mountains in reply;Echoing their joyous strains;Chorus;Gloria, in excelsis Deo!;Gloria, in excelsis Deo!;Shepherds, why this jubilee?;Why your joyous strains prolong?;What the gladsome tidings be;Which inspire your heavenly song?;Chorus;Come to Bethlehem and see;Him Whose birth the angels sing;Come, adore on bended knee;Christ the Lord, the newborn King.Chorus;See Him in a manger laid;Jesus Lord of heaven and earth;Mary, Joseph, lend your aid;With us sing our Savior’s birth.Chorus;French Les anges dans nos campagnes;Ont entonne l’hymne des cieux;Et l’echo de nos montagnes;Redit ce chant melodieux;Gloria in excelsis Deo (Bis);Bergers, pour qui cette fete?;Quel est l’objet de tous ces chants?;Quel vainqueur, quelle conquete;Merite ces cris triomphants;Gloria in excelsis Deo (Bis);Ils annoncent la naissance;Du liberateur d’Israel;Et pleins de reconnaissance;Chantent en ce jour solennel;Gloria in excelsis Deo (Bis);Cherchons tous l’heureux village;Qui l’a vu naitre sous ses toits;Offrons-lui le tendre hommage;Et de nos c_urs et de nos voix;Gloria in excelsis Deo (Bis);Bergers, quittez vos retraites;Unissez-vous a leurs concerts;Et que vos tendres musettes;Fassent retentir les airs;Gloria in excelsis Deo (Bis);Scottish Gaelic Ainglean chuala sinn gu h-ard;Seinn cho milis feadh an ait;Na beanntannan co – sheirm an ciuil;S Mac talla freagairt boidheach ciuin.Seisd (Chorus);Seinn moladh agus gloir, Moladh agus gloir;Moladh agus gloir do Dhia, An Darna Pearsa naomh den Trian.Seinn moladh agus gloir, Moladh agus gloir;Moladh agus gloir do Dhia, An Darna Pearsa naomh den Trian.Chiobairean, carson ur duan?;Carson a tha e alainn buan?;Innsibh dhuinn ur naidheachd-ghaoil;Dhuisg sibh suas gu ceol cho naomh.Seisd (Chorus);Thig gu Bethlehem, thig is chi;Chi thu’n Tighearna Dia do Righ;Lub do ghluin ‘s thoir adhradh dha;Criosda rugadh dhuinn na phaisd’.Seisd (Chorus);Portuguese Vinde cristaos, vinde a porfia;Hinos cantemos de louvor;Hinos de paz e de alegria;Que os anjos cantam ao Senhor.Chorus;Gloria, a Deus nas alturas! (bis);Foi nesta noite venturosa;Em que nasceu o Salvador;Que anjos com voz harmoniosa;Deram a Deus o seu louvor.Chorus;Vinde juntar-vos aos pastores;Vinde com eles a Belem;Vinde correndo pressurosos;Pois o Senhor enfima nos vem.Chorus;German Hort der Engel helle Lieder;klingen das weite Feld entlang;und die Berge hallen wider;von des Himmels Lobgesang;Chorus;Gloria, in excelsis Deo!;Gloria, in excelsis Deo!;Hirten, sagt, was ist geschehen;was tun uns die Engel kund?;Alles Leid konnt jetzt vergehen;auf dem weiten Erdenrund;Chorus;Denn ein Kindlein ist geboren;kommen ist der Heiland dein.Er errettet, was verloren;Friede soll auf Erden sein;Chorus;Spanish Angeles cantando estan, tan dulcisima cancion;las montanas su eco dan, como fiel contestacion.Chorus;Gloria a Dios en lo alto.Gloria a Dios en lo alto.Los pastores sin cesar sus cantares dan a Dios;cuan glorioso es el cantar de su melodiosa voz.Chorus;Hoy anuncian con fervor que ha nacido el Salvador;los mortales gozaran paz y buena voluntad.Chorus;

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