Great Is the Lord

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“Great Is the Lord” is a popular Christian praise song written in 1982 by Debbie and Michael W. Smith. The couple were at the time active members of Belmont Church on Music Row in Nashville, Tennessee and were seeking to augment the music. Today the song is sung in churches of many denominations and is included in many hymnal supplements.

How to Learn The Piano Part

Learn about each tone of the keyboard in the middle register either through visually remembering them, or perhaps by studying to read from sheet music, this is your 1st step in understanding methods to play popular piano tunes. Learning to read music is a skill you will have to develop eventually either to read tablatures or written music, and can greatly assist you to prepare more strongly for performances. You can also begin to fully grasp harmonies faster as you`ll recognize the notes themselves quicker, and give you a head-start with any piano instructing method. Good practice habits such as working everyday will allow you to to succeed faster.

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